Inspired by Mari Copeny, a real-life activist also known as 'Little Miss Flint', it is hoped that through this doll, Meg, children will understand that they can believe in themselves. Your voices matter and with them you can achieve anything!
"My friends and I believe that children's lives are important! There are many things that are important to us. Children have a lot to say, we just have to be brave and use our voices! If you care about something, you should tell people! That's the only way to get things changed! "
Tiara like the one Mari wore
Yellow 'Kids Voices Matter' T-Shirt
Veerde Jacket with 'Stand Up' Badge
jean shorts
white trainers
campaign poster
AGE + 3 years
MEASUREMENTS / CM 16 x 6 x 22.7 cm
WEIGHT / KG 0.184